Vue.js App Performance Optimization: Tips for Creating High-Speed eCommerce Stores

Vue.js is a fast-growing JavaScript library that has gained popularity among web developers worldwide. While there may be some competition from more mature frameworks like Angular and React, Vue.js is often seen as the lightest and most developer-friendly choice. In this guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when creating a Vue.js-based application to achieve optimal performance.
Why is Vue.js gaining popularity so fast?
Vue.js, developed in 2016 by a former Google employee, combines the best features of Angular and React while maintaining simplicity in creating modern web applications. Its speed and efficiency make it a great choice for both single-page and multipage projects where fast loading speed is crucial.
Why choose Vue Storefront?
Vue Storefront, which is based on Vue.js, offers a combination of flexibility and a shorter time-to-market. It provides retailers with the ability to customize their web shops while still having access to the necessary business logic. It also allows for easy integration with third-party services such as Headless CMS, search, payments, and loyalty programs.
Vue.js and performance at scale
Vue.js is known for its lightning-fast site performance, and it performs just as well as other frameworks when working with large stores. Its flexibility and simplicity make it a great choice for scaling projects, allowing for quick and seamless changes without disruption.
Common performance issues in Vue.js eCommerce apps
Vue.js applications can experience difficulties in handling large volumes of requests if not properly optimized. Poor optimization can lead to issues with load speed, which can drive customers away from your eCommerce store. Some common issues include slow page load times, high bounce rates, and abandoned carts.
Optimizing performance in Vue.js eCommerce apps
Start with performance testing
To identify performance issues in your Vue.js eCommerce app, start by using specialized tools that look at Core Web Vitals. Tools like Google Lighthouse, Google Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights can provide insights into your site’s performance and offer tips for improvement.
Consider server-side rendering (SSR)
While many Vue.js applications are built as single-page applications (SPA), utilizing server-side rendering (SSR) can significantly improve loading speed and SEO rankings. SSR builds app content on the server, sending it to the browser in a static form before completing it on the client side. However, SSR can put additional pressure on server memory usage, so scalability is crucial, especially for high-volume stores.
Optimize media files
Large media files can slow down page load times in your Vue.js eCommerce app. To reduce file size, compress images and limit rendering by using functions like v-once to render assets as static HTML. Implement lazy loading to avoid prefetching unnecessary components and reduce strain on users’ devices and servers.
Improve event handling
Event handling plays a crucial role in Vue.js eCommerce apps. By using event modifiers, you can optimize event handling to avoid additional load on your store. Modifiers like .once and .prevent can optimize the rendering of page elements and prevent unnecessary page reloads during checkout steps.
Review component abstractions
When building a Vue.js app, it’s essential to review component abstractions to optimize server capacity. Creating higher-order component instances or abstracting unnecessary options can significantly reduce memory usage and improve performance, especially in larger applications.
By following these essential tips for Vue.js app performance optimization, you can ensure that your eCommerce store runs smoothly and efficiently. Taking care of the essentials and following best practices will ultimately lead to the best results. For more advice on improving the performance of your Vue store, download our free guide on web performance in eCommerce.